
I loved my passy

Friday, September 2, 2011

Avoid saying

I know I rant and rave a lot oh well I guess that's what this blog is for........... I found this yesterday..........Here are some phrases to avoid saying:

"It was meant to be."
"It was for the best."
"Your baby is in a better place now."
"Time heals all wounds."
"I know exactly how you feel." (even if you have experienced a similar loss)
"At least you have other children." or "you can always have another baby."

If only I had a dollar for all the times I heard these........I know people only mean well but.......he might be in a better place but would I have been such a bad parent?? Time heals all wounds....maybe...............but doubtful this will never be something I will forget...........I will never forget Parker.....